Posts Tagged ‘at risk students’

TWEET for better schools!

March 17, 2009

Las Vegas, NV– Tweet-2-Beat is gaining momentum at the rate of 1000 new followers a day.  However, at this pace TFERRISS will fall short of his personal cap of 50,000 new Twitter followers or $50,000 in personal $1 matches (plus the $2bucks from the mystery donor) making each follower worth $3, to be donated to the US public schools at risk. The money comes from Tim Ferriss and his mystery partner, NOT YOU, and is managed by

All you do is join Twitter and follow @tferriss, the author of 4hour work week) before the campaign ends MARCH 23, 2009.

As of today he’s at 28k followers, which is up 6,000 from where he was when this started a week ago.  Are there really so many folks that don’t Twitter? YUP. I ask every person I know if they Twitter. SO far the average is 1 in 10 don’t know Twitter. OMG. TWEET-2-BEAT is a great reason to talk Twitter and a good cause in the same way educating at-risk students and public schools is helping our future leaders. If you won’t do it for them, do it for yourself because your investment in this country is at risk.

Go there NOW: TWEET-2-BEAT to learn more.